These are three characters from a series idea I'm developing right now with a friend called "Yumaya: Alien Sex Kitten". Featured here are Yumaya, her younger sister Yumara and mother Zunala. And if anyone is interested in reading more about their actual species:
NOTE: Although hermaphroditic, all Nekonari are referred to by the feminine vernacular; the use of she, her, sister, mother, daughter and grandmother being used exclusively over more masculine titles.
Origins: The Nekonari evolved from a cat-like predator on the planet Nekona 69, a lush, fertile medium sized world covered in jungles, grasslands and fresh water oceans. As the species began to evolve however, a genetic anomaly began to make itself known in the genealogies that resulted in a low fertility rate and even lower rate of conception and procreation. In response, the species began to evolve beyond the standard male/female biology and become hermaphroditic during seasons in which either gender was lacking among the population. From this foundation, nearly every aspect of the races existence, culture and society became based on propagating the species through the emphasis of sexuality.
Physiology: The modern day Nekonari are a cat-like humanoid species that stand anywhere between 5 ½ to 7 feet tall with lean builds and toned physique, 6 toes and and cat like ears. They are completely hairless from the eyes down, only with a pair of thin eyebrows and the hair on their heads. Their skin is smooth and soft to the touch but incredibly durable and resistant to injury (including chaffing and rawness from excessive sexual activity) Their unique hair colors, eye colors, skin tones and markings cover all patterns and colors of the spectrum and are determined by parentage and family alignments. As a “trade in” for their faulty procreational abilities, all Nekonari have evolved to be immune to most diseases and toxins native to Nekona 69. They are also incredibly athletic with amazing levels of dexterity and stamina to spare. Young “mewlings” reach sexual maturity by age 15, retaining a youthful vitality well on until over 90 years old and the average Nekonari will live to about 140.
Nearly all (see “Gender” below) Nekonari are hermaphroditic in form, while appearing to bare all the universally recognized “female” aspects in terms of personality, appearance, proportions and mindset, they also bare fully functional male genitalia; a penis with internally located testicles located in the lower abdomen along with a fully functional female vagina at the base of the shaft. Despite their asexual state, they still need to mate with one another to procreate but both partners are fully capable to both deliver sperm as well as conceive and carry young. Their most prolific ability related to their sexuality is that when a Nekonari is brought to a high state of arousal, they release an airborne pheromone through their skin that acts like a natural aphrodisiac that in turn brings anyone with the necessary olfactory senses around them to an equally aroused state to increase the likelihood of intercourse. Their tails also serve a purpose in their love making rituals, penetration with such a sensitive empathic organ as a form of foreplay causing the Nekonari to become overwhelmed with sensations of lust and desire.
The most significant physical trait in the social dynamics of Nekonari society are their tails. These unique organs are as strong as any of their other limbs and double as an “empathic receptor” that allows them to sense the emotional state of those around them (it is not uncommon to see a Nekonari “scanning” a new friend with their tail to learn more about them). Through their tails they can express more to each other with raw emotion than any words can possibly express. Young mewlings often link tails with their mothers while out and about to lessen the effect of separation anxiety. The most common “pick up method” among Nekonari is to touch tails with another, sharing their emotions with another and expressing in the most sincere and genuine of ways “I like you”. In the bedroom it serves a vital purpose as well, lovers often link tails, linking as one on an emotional level , doubling the passion and joy each feels during sex and being able to express just what actions or movements are causing them the most pleasure, guiding each other’s actions without a single word spoken. When the tails head is used to pleasure a mate, the wielder can sense the gradual ascent to climax and experience every sensation vicariously in their own bodies.
Gender: Despite being hermaphroditic, at least 4 definitive “genders” have been established among the Nekonari cultural beliefs:
Ranzene’ & Monise’: The most common genders among the race (about 70%) these two are merely variations of the physiology described above in which more conventional ideals of male and female rolls are more readily expressed. “Ranzene’” (ran-zuh-nay) are Nekonari in which the female aspects are less pronounced (smaller breasts, less developed or simply infertile womb) while the penis is highly developed, virile, and in rare cases may even have fully exposed external testicles and scrotum. “Monise’” (mo-nee-say) Are the opposite, Nekonari in which the male reproductive organs are small and with a low sperm count while the breasts are large and supple and the womb full of life.
Ranise’(ran-ee-say): The Nekonari ideal and only considered an autonomous gender by cultural standards as opposed to biological, the Ranise’ typically stand at the maximum 7 feet tall, bearing the ideal aspects of both male and female sexualities; full supple breasts, fertile womb and uterus and well endowed and virile penis and testicles (internal). Such members of the species make up about 30% of the population but are highly regarded and respected for their sexual prowess and potential for procreation. It should be noted that Ranise’ who are successfully impregnated themselves are more than likely to have at least one child of their own who is also a Ranise’. [b][i](Yumaya and her family are all of this type)[/i][/b]
Malzen (mal-zen): One of the most unusual aspects of the Nekonari genealogy is the existence of the Malzen, which literally translates into “un-gender”. They are usually short in stature (around 5 ½ feet), appear with a feminine form, curvy figure and the usual Nekonari features, however are completely devoid of ANY sexual organs including breasts, penis and vagina/vulva. While their role in propagating the species would be deemed non-existent at first glance, they actually serve a very ceremonious and important role in society. Of all Nekonari, Malzen have the most acute empathic abilities which borderline on psychic and have proven to be highly intuitive and intellectual, serving a variety of important positions in society including teachers, spiritual leaders, doctors and midwives. Because of their deeper empathic senses, they also serve an important role assisting the less experieced in the bedroom in the mating process, guiding actions to maximize pleasure and better the chances of conception. Despite the lack of functional sexual organs, the Malzen are still capable of a form of sexual climax, their skin being as sensitive as any sexual organ and the simple acts of touching, caressing, kissing and tickling being enough to give them physical pleasure and even bring them to orgasm.
Society/Culture: Modern day Nekonari society is only slightly more advanced than our own, having only made contact with a number of nearby inhabited worlds in the past 30 years or so. Creative endeavors such as art, music and poetry are highly prized, emotional expression of any kind always being encouraged. Scientifically the Nekonari have made remarkable strides in the fields of medicine, biology and genetic research in their attempts to aid in their races survival. Being a very jovial and high spirited species, holidays and festivals are quite common and are held in great regard. Since nearly all the Nekonari in a particular town or settlement are usually related by blood in some way, the yearly festival of “Soraganovoss Mikai” (Day of New Life) is highly anticipated in which those mewlings recently come of age travel to nearby towns to “sew their wild oats” so to speak in grand spectacles of drinking, dancing, singing and orgies the likes of which would put the Romans to shame. Another less official but no less enjoyable holiday, held annually known as “Vostamara” (literally means “Family to Family”) is when random members of one family trade places with members of other families for a day to engage in sexual activities with new playmates.
Love: Polyamory is the standard among the Nekonari, out of necessity for sustaining the species more than personal preference. While finding “true love” is exceedingly rare and most family units consist of a single parent, those that do achieve such state love each other with every ounce of their being, more deeply and unconditionally than any could hope to comprehend. Such unions become a “tag team” of sorts that bring others into their bedroom, the empathic connection between the loving partners intensifying the sexual energy in the room to mind-blowing levels and aiding in the procreation process.
Pregnancy: At this stage of evolution only one out of every 20 sexual pairings will result in conception and the average Nekonari will only be able to carry and give birth to 1-2 children in their lifetime before their fertility is spent completely. It comes as no surprise that an expectant mother is among the most highly revered members of any Nekonari community. From the moment successful conception has been confirmed, mothers to be are treated like royalty, never expected to perform a single task, waited on hand and foot and never denied a single desire they may have. While sex with a pregnant woman vaginally is forbidden by Nekonari culture; friends, family and neighbors consider it an honor as well as good luck to be penetrated and take in the seed of the mother to be, hoping her fertility will somehow pass into them. The hormonal surges that occur during pregnancy not only cause food cravings but intense sexual cravings as well and friends and family do everything they can to keep her pleasured to relieve any anxiety or stress she may be experiencing. Surprisingly the unlikely occurrence of twins is considered a bad omen by most; as one is almost always born sterile and makes it less likely that the mother will ever successfully conceive again.
Family: The bond among family for the Nekonari reaches such a deep and meaningful level that it can rarely be truly comprehended by most other species. Due to their finicky genetics, procreation between blood relatives any closer than a second cousin is impossible, therefore the common taboo of incest is unknown to them. Quite the contrary in fact, for it is the duty of their mother(s) to educate them in the ways of sexuality and once they reach consenting age, do so with a much more “hands on” approach in hopes that they will one day be able to successfully procreate. As a result, sexual activities between mother and daughter and even sisters are standard in their society and considered the foundation for a healthy, happy family life. However such familial activities are only intended for leisure and to gain experience, any truly romantic infatuations between family members is considered highly inappropriate.
Kinks/Fetishes: The Nekonari are no strangers to fetishes and willingly embrace any unique activity that may aid in their survival. Due to the strong empathic connection since conception, it is quite common for entire family bloodlines to share a fondness for a particular fetish or kink, in fact causing them to be known for such a thing and become specialists in its procedure (EX: One family may be known for foot fetishism while another known more for extreme bondage).
Taboos: Despite their liberated views on sexuality, there are still quite a few social taboos in their society. Being such an affectionate and friendly people, the idea of murder is beyond anything they can comprehend and to date they have yet to have such an action occur among their people. Though exceedingly rare, rape does sometimes occur, usually perpetuated by those who were not educated well enough in their youth and allowed their hormones to take full control of their actions. The greatest affront to any Nekonari sense of moral outrage is pedophilia. It is a conventional belief that sexual activity with a mewling before the age of maturity can cause irreparable psychological damage and affect their ability to procreate and therefore do their part to propagate the species. It’s seen as an even greater sin when it’s done by a family member. Any such actions that negatively affect the propagation of their species are among the highest offenses in their society.