Saturday, March 13, 2010

Family Outing

MirthGoblin you wacky son of a bitch XD...this was a commission I did for him featuring my futanari alien catgirl family the Velconsunai's; from left to right: Yumara, Zunala and Yumaya. Here they're in the grips of some very affectionate goo girls determined to show them a good time....

Don't really have much more to say on this one other than even though I dragged my ass while doing it, I'm happy with the way it turned out :)


  1. I personally would have loved to see them covered in tons of goo while they're being worked over, but this is still insanely sexy! :D

    Awesome work man.

  2. lol I love orgies that involve goo and feet!
